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Financial Aid

Archdiocese of Detroit Annual Tuition Assistance

The Archdiocese of Detroit uses FACTS Management, a third-party contractor, to process tuition assistance applications for families who wish to apply for the Archdiocesan Tuition Assistance Grant. It is important to note that the independent contracts and other services that FACTS Management provides are separate from the Archdiocesan Tuition Scholarship.

What is the Archdiocesan Tuition Assistance Program?

Through the generosity of donors to the Stewards for Tomorrow Campaign, an endowment fund was created which provides tuition assistance grants to our Catholic families. Each year, awards will be made to offset the K-12 tuition expenses for children of Catholic families who both reside within the Archdiocese of Detroit AND whose children attend Catholic schools located within the boundaries of the Archdiocese of Detroit.

Award Amounts

All awards are based on the calculated financial need determined from the information on the FACTS online application and supporting financial documentation.

The deadline for submission of your application and supporting documentation is April 30th for the upcoming school year.

How do I apply?

Applications can only be completed online. The FACTS Student Grant & Aid link here:

There is a $30 on-line application fee. Please follow the payment instructions indicated on the application.

Archdiocesan website: 


Parent information letter:  English    Español


Pastor Signature Form (Required)


Please have the pastor signature form filled out and turn into the school main office.​

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together.

Thanks for submitting!

Holy Redeemer

Catholic School Detroit

1711 Junction St. Detroit, MI 48209
Tel:  313-841-5230       Fax:  313-841-3640

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